Experts have been telling us for years that keeping a food diary can aid weight loss. And, it's excellent advice.
In fact, I'd go as far as saying if you want to be successful in losing weight in 2011, you'd be better off ditching those weighing scales, and replacing them with a food diary... the pen is in fact mightier than the scale, when it comes to losing weight.
Dr Mosunic, a weight management and diabetes specialist at Greenwich Hospital, says that keeping a daily record of your snacks and meals is one of the best methods used by successful dieters to lose weight.
Dr Mosunic goes on to say,
Keeping a food diary is like exercise; it will always help you lose [weight] if you do it consistently... I can split my patients into two groups. The food diary keepers, and the nonkeepers. The people who keep diaries are usually very successful, and I work with them for about 12 weeks. The people who don't, are people I sometimes see for years. Source
So, why is keeping a food journal so beneficial?
- Keeping a food journal helps you acknowledge every morsel you eat, so you can see how much, and what, you are eating more clearly.
- It helps you understand your eating and behavioral patterns.
- And, it helps you to identify, and deal with, binge eating habits.
If you struggle with your weight, but have never seriously given food journaling a go, here are a few pointers:
- Keep your food journal simple -- it can be as easy as using pen and paper, or you could use a spreadsheet, an online food journal, or whatever works for you.
- Make a note of even the smallest amount of food or drink you consume, no cheating.
- Make records of the portion size, the time of day, where you ate, and with whom.
- You should also make a note of any activities done while you ate, such as watching TV, and what your mood was.
Once you have a record like this, it will become an invaluable tool in helping you lose weight successfully. It will enable you to work out which areas are your biggest downfall, and then you can plan how to overcome them.
So, for example, if your problem is eating large portions, you could focus on using cup measures to keep your eating under control. Or, if you find yourself eating in response to your emotions, try logging your moods, and how this is connected to your eating patterns.
Have you used food journaling in the past? What tips can you share to help others lose weight, and keep it off permanently?
Image source: KoalazyMonkey
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