Diet Solution Programm

понедельник, 8 августа 2011 г.

Day 7: Raw Food Blogathon

For my last day of the Raw Food blogathon, I made the trek over to Caravan of Dreams in the East Village. This organic/vegan restaurant features lots of raw food fare (almost half of the menu is raw), and I’ve been meaning to check out this place forever. I didn’t have time to stick around, so I ordered a bunch of food to-go and was on my way.

The Pink Lady Smoothie I ordered was made with apple, orange, mango, strawberry, and plantain. It was sweet with a little zing and very refreshing for the ride back to my apartment. Ya know, the heat in NY has really been getting me this summer. I thought a NY summer would be no sweat for a Florida girl, but I was so wrong. Walking everywhere and riding the subways is no joke when there’s highs in the 90s! I’m melting! Anyways…back to the food.

For snack time I had the Almond Hummus with carrots, celery, cucumber, and chia chips. The pureed almonds were delicious and I loved it with the chia chips. I really want to know how Caravan makes these chips. They were light, slightly salty, and just overall yummy. The best raw food chips I’ve tasted.

The Omega Salad I ate for lunch was made with kale, sunflower sprouts, mixed field greens, avocado, spiced macadamias, hemp seeds, and a citrus hemp dressing. It was a really filling salad (even the smaller size portion), so I saved half to eat another time. I wasn’t crazy about the dressing (it was too thin), but the salad ingredients themselves were so good and fresh, that I still happily gulped it down. Next time I’ll probably just order a different dressing.

That’s it! Stay tuned for a summary post of the 7-Days Raw Food Blogathon coming tomorrow!

See also: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, and Day 6 of this blogathon.

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