Diet Solution Programm

понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

New Years & Lemons

Happy new year! Wishing you lots of success and love in 2011. I can’t believe how fast the last year went by. December 29th was my one-year anniversary in New York City! It was definitely challenging to move to Manhattan, but I made it through, met lots of new friends, and I feel so grateful. All the new foods, people, and places I encountered made me a stronger person and gave me a fresh outlook on my life. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I have so many goals for the coming year, but a few include traveling more, relaxing more, and trying new foods and flavors. Last year was all about work and survival for me, and while I had a great year…I’m looking forward to settling in to city life and taking lots of time to live in the moment. Wish me luck!

Another small goal I have is to drink more water with lemon, especially right when I wake up in the morning. Adding slices of fresh lemon to water gives it a refreshing boost. In addition to vitamin C, lemons and lemon juice help cleanse and remove toxins from your body, improve digestion, and (my favorite) break up congestion from allergies and colds. Tip: Next time you’re adding a few slices or wedges of lemon to your water, make sure you squeeze them to release the juice into your water. You’ll get the best benefit and flavor.

“If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.” -Conan O’brien

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