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вторник, 16 ноября 2010 г.

What is astrology. Her species

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Seventh Harry Potter was film-series, so a final parting ways with not very young, vozmuzavs for almost ten years of existence "potteriany" ockast magician failed to postpone until July of next year. But this autumn will see another round of Harry Potter with Volan de Mort in the first part of the movie "Harry Potter and the Hallows (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I).

In the first three parts "potteriany" sponsors screenings tend to read the source, and closer to the fifth and sixth began to allow more liberties, vykidyv, to the chagrin of fans of the book series, a large slice of narration and editing, at a glance Yar potteristy details.Now it is hoped that the filmmakers did return to more careful towards the works of Rowling is reluctant to reduce quite voluminous "Gifts", not just petty reasons was to divide the last movie in two parts.

Recent reports from the magical front: Volan de Morta (Ralph Fiennes), which in the previous film, "Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince (Harry Potter and the half Blood Prince), not too baloval spectators its chilling apparition is still doing the uphill.He finally seized power in school Hogwarts and the Ministry of magic, which now occupy his improvised — Death Eater. Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) in worsening political situation eventually became a dissident: Volan de Mort Death Eater Award nominated for his capture, but ordered will deliver live since craves exclusively enjoy killing boy who survived, but according to Volan de Morta, absolutely nothing.

There are, however, the good news is that as we remember the previous series, the hero in sensitive guidance of Professor Dambldora found a way to combat Volan de Mort — and something that destroy the seven ' Horcrux ' which stores part volan de mortov soul. In the last two movies left to finish the deceased last picture of Professor Dambldora, hitch is that Harry doesn't know how to look the remaining "krestrazi" where they are and how they are actually removed. While PES breaks head over to answer, Volan de Mort, for its part is finding a special magic that doesn't know Harry.In the course of its investigation, the Potter knows the legend of Mystic Gifts death — is not known whether they really are, but there's a version that only three, and the one who will become the owner of all three will receive immortality — and seeks to Volan de Mort and its success chances GP win final becomes equal to zero. In General, the latest movie Harry Potter alone ever: the good Professor help him nothing but cannot because the Board Volan de Morta all his opponents are immediately behind bars. Bosom friends Harry, Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) is supposedly still nearby, but the dark forces are trying to break up the Whitsunday. inseparable

Director of "Harry Potter and the gifts of death" — David Yates, thanks to which the sixth film, "Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince" is similar to school series about adolescence. However, the new series, the face of mortal danger, heroes of might have to do for some time, forgetting about intrizky and dances. By daring venture will be invited to the recent films m. Knight S?amalana, discouragement in childhood, very interested in this project, producers still refused, as well as from Guillermo del Toro "GP and gifts of death" in itself history rather gloomy, and even David Yeats Blithe film is terrifying. The youngest fans potteriany are already anxious that 13 years of age they simply will not be allowed in the cinemas.

World premiere of the first part of the movie "Harry Potter and the Hallows was at London's Leicester Square, where Studio Warner Bros. has launched two major theater —" Odeon "and" Empire ", together with more than 3 thousand. spectators. Of course, fans of Harry Potter, who got the tickets and that brought together from all over the world, hoping to at least get an autograph at Leicester Square besnovalos? much more.Crowd with posters "Weasley is our King!", "you made my childhood wonder" and "we love you, Joan started filling the area still two days before the premiere.

"Harry Potter" Star visited premiere as a whole and the passage along the red carpet, which was also decorated the spectators in costumes "Predators", took at least two hours. Greatest outfit made performer role Germiony Grainger Emma Watson, recently won first place in the rating of very good odevausihsa British actress. At the premiere of "gifts" that was not only a new short Colling, but in a very short translucent black lace dress and feathers — that it doesn't really get with the artist, she had just in case its back tape. Next to its partners, the 21-year-old Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint 22-year-old, still looked like a young 20 year old Emma Watson looked very adult barysn.

She admitted that the "spares" potteriany that will take place next year with the release of the eighth and final film, but believes that all actors come given that page in their life: potterovsk and We were so close, and it was a great adventure, but we all need to move on. "

While executing the leading roles in "potteriane" already for ten years, become multi-millionaires and potentially even more doesn't move, criticism rather endorsed desire Emma Watson careers to distance himself from THE SE as far as possible: first reviews British press on "gifts" have been mixed, to say the least.Thus, The Guardian, and recognizes that both show picture looks great and directed by David Yates brought the magical Entourage to perfection, but, apart from the Visual effects, the seventh film about Harry Potter clearly lacking "wit, warmth and humanity". The Times also otrugala "gifts", this picture is too bloated and maniacal potteriany final.A little balm for wounded hearts fans of Harry Potter has shed the Sunday Telegraph, noting that "Gifts" is the most terrible of all series and theatrical works have never been so good, and The Daily Express enthusiastically commented that the film gives the spectator everything he only could dream — from stunning special effects to fascinating playwrights.Independent praised several successful scenes and expressed the hope that the seventh film still rather snack before major meals, which will be filed in July.Hollywood magazine our variety notes that film, clumsy, but places a breathtaking, filling the darkness and despair, as well as a deep sense of loneliness and loss.But perhaps more important than recognizing critics became by founder Harry Potter Rowling, who said that she believes "gifts" the most successful of all screenings of her books.Moscow premiere is expected on 19 November.

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Lydia Maslov

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