Diet Solution Programm

пятница, 19 ноября 2010 г.

Why young skin cleaning?

If you have a dry scalp and hair, cause-kidney disease. My advice to you is make a diagnosis of the whole organism. Pass the tests get tested on lack of micronutrients. Are curing themselves first buds. Gentle Care for sekusihsa hair.

This problem occurs more frequently as dandruff.Here are the most common reasons are:

improper care (from dandruff shampoo cannot be used continuously and very cheap means for washing hair) avitaminosis, macro-and microelements. disorders of nervous system diseases of the digestive system. fungal infection.

From this total, you can already do at least one output.Violations in the organism always affect the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.

Engage in prevention.Love yourself – balujte his hair a variety of masks.

P.S. everything you wanted to know about female beauty and health and even as a first date with a guy of your dreams, can be found at

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