I woke up this morning with a 5 lb. loss since Monday. Dr. Oz suggests weighing every day, so I have been trying to remember to step on that scale for accountability. I know some people hate the scale, but once I got over that hump where I let it dictate my whole day, it is a good tool for me. And today, it was motivating.
I was running late this morning because I didn't iron anyone's clothes last night (trying to do better with that), so I didn't make my green smoothie. Honestly, I am going to have to figure something else out for protein because even though it's good stuff, the protein powder I am using tastes horrible to me. I find myself not "enjoying" my shake like I used to. I didn't stress it, I grabbed a Slim Fast and was out the door. I noticed on the way that it was a lower carb, higher protein version. More protein does keep you full longer, because I almost forgot to eat until lunch time today. I was busy, but didn't feel "snacky" at all. #score
It is actually snowing in my neck of the woods today, so I am praying for a snow day tomorrow. Wrestling and all other after-school activities were cancelled this evening, and I have never been so happy to just get home and rest! I didn't even try to get back out to the gym... I had to pick up my nephew right after I left school, and with the roads being bad and the fact that TN drivers LOSE THEIR MINDS in snowy/icy weather, I think I'll just stay home. If we get a snow day tomorrow, I will DEFINITELY get a good workout in.
I have been saying all year that I just have the "feeling" that this is my year... it's almost like a calmness in my spirit that just says, "give it your best, and you will succeed.... it's meant to be". Well, today, I was given some potentially good news that will definitely help and motivate me on this journey. I don't want to talk about it yet, but I am so excited. It's confirmation that my "feeling" is right. This is really going to happen this year, so I'd better get ready!
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