Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter already know about the little secret I was sitting on last week... but for those who don't, I want to officially spill the beans...
I have been chosen to be a blog ambassador for Slim-Fast's Women of Wow program! I only found out last Thursday, and I was told not to mention it until it was a done-deal. Well, since my trip to New York City for the event was yesterday, I am guessing it's the real thing!
Yes... I went to NYC yesterday! Can you believe it?
And, man... it was an adventure! More than once, I felt like I was in a dream. I mean, stuff like this just doesn't happen to me. Even if I was given the offer, SOMETHING should have went wrong. But everything went right. I had someone to watch over my kids. Slim-Fast was nice enough to give me a ride to and from the airport in a fancy car. My BFF bought me a new, comfy pair of shoes to wear. EVERYTHING worked out. I left my home at 6 a.m., and returned at about 11 p.m. It was a long day...
And it turned out to be an experience of a LIFETIME.
One of the bloggers I met yesterday, Lazy Mom, already blogged about the day, so feel free to check that out, lol. I know I am bound to leave something out.
Here is MY rundown...
I arrived in NYC at about noon yesterday after a flight from hell (more on that later). Slim-Fast had a driver waiting for me at the airport, which was so great. He drove like a bat out of hell, but I think that just added to the whole NYC experience!
I got dropped off at this fancy loft, where Slim-Fast had the penthouse all decked out for Studio Wow!
There were Slim-Fast products EVERYWHERE!
So cute. You can tell a lot of work went into this event.
Upon arrival, I got a tour of Studio Wow! and got to meet the four other bloggers that were there. Then we were taken to lunch in midtown New York at this really nice restaurant in Barrett Park.
The bloggers all posed for a picture after lunch. From left to right... Me, Christina, Stacey, Agnes, and Tiffany.
We went back to Studio Wow, and little did I know I was in for the experience of a lifetime. We got to individually go through stations with different celebrities.
(I stole that pic from Slim-Fast's Facebook page).
First I met with Slim-Fast's dietitian, Ali Auerbach. Then I got to meet Robin Miller, who is a chef that helped me come up with several 500 calorie dinner ideas that my kids would actually eat. Next was the stylist, Jacqui Stafford, who was really nice and very animated. She complimented my outfit and said that it was perfect for my body type. She also reminded me how important it was to dress for your size, and gave me a website to check out The Limited's new plus-sized line.
Next station was Joey Maalouf, hairstylist to the stars. He re-flat-ironed my hair, and his make-up artist touched up my makeup for my PHOTOSHOOT. Yes, I said photoshoot. My next station was with Nigel Barker, who is a photographer from America's Next Top Model. THIS part made me nervous. I am far from being a top model, and I hate being photographed. But Nigel was very nice and down to earth. He even posed for a picture that I could show off to my 14-year-old daughter (who thinks she IS America's Next Top Model).
After we took this picture, Nigel put on some Alicia Keys and we got to work. I was sooooo nervous. At one point when I was dancing around getting my picture taken by this famous photographer, I just had to ask myself if I was dreaming. Was this really happening? I mean, being whisked off to NYC, getting to be pampered and photographed. And for what? Just being a blogger?
Let me just say this... After meeting the other bloggers and checking out their blogs, it is apparent that I am NO WHERE in the blogging realm that they are in. They are professionals, whether they consider themselves that or not. Only one of them has a weight-loss blog other than me. And I also found out that they have known about this ambassador-ship for a while... Since I only found out Thursday, I am guessing that I was only considered last-minute. Which is okay... I'm just glad that I was chosen! I mean, I love Slim-Fast. Pretty much any plan that I'm doing, Slim-Fast is one of my go-to options that is low-calorie and nutritionally sound. I've even been able to find low-carb shakes for when I am cutting carbs. It's a product that I will proudly endorse.
And it's also the product that I think will help me get to my weight-loss goals. I keep talking about destiny, and how I believe that THIS is the year that I am destined to FINALLY get this weight off. This whole thing with Slim-Fast is something I am truly taking as a sign from God. What else can it be? As if the NYC experience wasn't enough, Slim-Fast has also given me a four-month supply of product to use during this ambassadorship (that lasts until the end of April). There is no excuse now. I have been given the tools, and I really already had the knowledge. And now I know that I have God's hands all in this. It's done.
So, my first "Wow" moment will be for my birthday. By May 26, I want to be down at least 40 lbs, and I want to be able to wear those size 20 jeans that are still hanging in my closet, just waiting for me to get back into. So 40 lbs in 4 months... 10 lbs. per month... I can do that! And I will. Just watch me.
I wonder if Slim-Fast knows how dead serious I am about REALLY making this work? Everyone had better get ready for me!
I am DEAD TIRED after a long day of back to reality, but I will definitely be writing more about my NYC adventures tomorrow and in the future. Stay tuned! In the meantime, check me out on the Slim-Fast Facebook page... I would really appreciate your support!
Disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast® Women of Wow Program. Visit to join the conversation.
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