Happy New Year’s my friends! The holiday season is gone and it’s time to start fresh. Wait, hold up. I don’t know about you, but I still feel like sleeping for a week before going back to work! Anyone else? Last year I accomplished a lot, and last Thursday marked my two-year anniversary living in NYC. It’s been a fun couple of years, and I can say I’ve truly learned a lot about myself while living here. NY really forces you to toughen up and figure out what you want. I gotta say, this city is a great place to live if you’re a hard worker or a social butterfly. There are so many opportunities surrounding you that it’s easy to overdo it. Last year I filled my plate with dancing, writing, editing, teaching, blogging, cooking, and socializing. It was a good year, but I have to be honest…I’m exhausted.
This year my only resolution is to take more time to relax, or in other words, taking more “me” time. I’m committing to stopping what I’m doing to take a breather for at least a half hour every day. One of the most important things I learned while studying for my health coach certification was how important it is to be kind to yourself. This can mean a little something different for each of us. For me, it means taking time out to breathe deeply, get massages, sleep, stretch, write in my journal, or just do nothing at all. I’m sure I’ll still be busy this year (that’s just how I roll), but I think that incorporating the 30 minutes minimum daily relax time will make a huge difference in my health and happiness. Wish me luck!
Thank you all for reading my blog. I really enjoy sharing my passion for healthy food, and I have some great things planned for this year. Stay tuned for restaurant reviews, healthy product reviews, more blogathons, and of course lots of healthy recipes. Have something you want to see? Let me know!
Before I go, I want to ask: What does being kind to yourself mean to you? Is it exercising? Is it relaxing? Is it making home cooked meals? Or how about having more fun? Leave me a comment below and feel free to share any other healthy resolution you made for 2012 (food related or not).
“See” you soon!
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